Where do you get your ideas?
Lots of places! TV shows, other books, museum exhibits. I once got an idea for a novel when I brought my kids to one of those chaotic indoor playgrounds, AKA The Hunger Games, Junior Edition. I’m still working on that one.
What inspired The Only Thing to Fear?
A few factors:
I'm a big history nerd
I love asking 'what if' questions
I adore X-Men
And that’s how I got the idea for a book!
Will there be a sequel to The Only Thing to Fear?
Yes, kind of! Let me explain: there is a companion novel to The Only Thing to Fear called Live In Infamy and both books take place in the same world. Live In Infamy features a bunch of new characters who live in the Western American Territories and who are fighting the Empire of the Rising Sun.
Will Zara or Bastian or Uncle Red be featured in Live In Infamy?
You should take a peek in the book. :)
Will there be a sequel to The Only Thing to Fear and Live In Infamy?
There isn’t another book in the pipeline right now, but I do have an idea in mind that would focus on Bastian and conclude the whole storyline.
When is your birthday?
December 10th. I’m not telling you the year!
More Info
For rights inquiries, please contact Jim McCarthy of Dystel & Goderich.
For hi-res headshots and book covers, please check out the press kit.