Author Bucket Lists
Oh look! A map!
I’ve always loved maps. When I was a kid I’d even read the atlas for fun and spend hours sketching imaginary worlds. I also poured over the maps I’d find in the novels that I read, usually drawings of magical kingdoms or far-off worlds, and when I became an author myself I dreamt about seeing a map in one of my own books. It was one of the items on my Author Bucket List.
Lo and behold, my dream came true when Hungry Hearts was published! It features a beautiful hand-drawn map of the Hungry Hearts neighborhood. Isn’t it lovely? And I got to cross off an item on my list!
I think my Author Bucket List includes the standard aspirations that most writers dream about, like becoming a bestseller and getting sent on a book tour. Here’s a sneak peak of my own list:
Sell a foreign right
Get invited to YallFest or YallWest
Sell a TV or film option
Become a wealthy heiress and drink cosmos by my infinity pool
Some of those goals are more realistic than others, but I’m gonna keep dreaming. So what’s on your professional bucket list?